تخسر وزنها بسبب خطيبها

تخسر وزنها بسبب خطيبها

وزنها كان 140 وقال لها خطيبها لو خسرتي وزنك ستصبحين اجمل من انجلينا جولي وخسرت 70 كيلو خلال 7 اشهر واصبح وزنها 70 صورها اهى



Georgia Accident Attorneys Montlick & Associates is dedicated to helping injured people receive the compensation they deserve. Our team of professionals is committed to providing exceptional service with personal attention. We work hard for our clients and do what it takes to get the job done. Our firm handles all types of cases involving personal injuries, and provides a free consultation with an attorney. We are available to assist clients throughout all of Georgia and the Southeast, including Atlanta, Albany, Athens, Augusta, Columbus, Macon, Savannah and all smaller cities and rural areas in the state. Contact us today to learn  
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